Abstract Submission : June 22th 2024

Abstract Acceptance : June 27th 2024

Full Article : July 5th 2024

Scientific Competition Requirement


  • Registered as a participant of the 2nd ICOME
  • Scientific competition is divided into 2 categories case report and original article (research, systematic review, meta-analysis)
  • Abstract of case report/original article that has already been published or submitted to other competition is prohibited
  • Deadline for submission is June 22th 2024
  • The jury’s decision is final and cannot be contested

Abstract Terms

  • Maximum 200 words
  • Abstract contains title, author, and affiliation written in Times New Roman with 12 font size and 1.5 space.
  • Abstract for original article consists of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Keywords.
  • Abstract for case report consists of Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Conclusion and Keywords.

Poster Specification

  • Maximum 500 words
  • Poster orientation is landscape and in JPG or PDF format
  • Minimum resolution required is 1024 x 1024 pixel and maximum 3543 x 3543 pixel

Presentation Conditions

  • Participants could use Indonesian languages or English languages, Offline and in front of the jury
  • Poster: presentation time 3 minutes, discussion 2 minutes
  • Oral presentation: presentation in 5 minutes, discussion 3 minutes

“Selected Full Paper will have opportunity to be published in scopus indexed journals, Sinta 1 or 2”

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